Regular massage benefits body and mind.

You are important and I accept each person’s beliefs and values. Every time you come in to visit I will take the time to listen to what is going on in your body. Together we will come up with a treatment plan that will help you achieve whatever goal you have. For some it’s better range of motion, reduced pain, relief of tension and knots, to assist with tight muscles post race or hike or just relaxation and stress relief. Your session is yours and each one will be what you need that day.

My focus is on you and helping you feel great.

All massage sessions are integrative and therapeutic. One massage does not fit all. With your input, we will create a personalized massage that addresses your specific needs. Your massage therapist will use various modalities such as trigger point, Swedish, myofascial release, and stretching. Depth of pressure will be discussed before the massage to ensure your massage is exactly what you need.

  • Swedish Massage

    Deeply relaxing and calming massage using light to firm pressure. Massage will leave you feeling rejuvenated and renewed.

  • Sports Massage

    Massage focusing on treating a specific concern, usually a sports injury. Sports massage also supports and enhances performance, recovery, and relaxation.

  • Deep Tissue Massage

    Deep tissue can help with chronic pain, limited mobility and recovery from injuries. It is especially helpful for chronically tense and contracted areas such as stiff necks, low back tightness and sore shoulders. Some of the same strokes are used as in classic massage but the movement is slower and the pressure is deeper and more concentrated on areas of tension and pain.

  • Hot Stone Massage

    Warm basalt river rocks are used to soften and relax muscles and relieve tension. Great for providing relief from chronic illnesses and pain.

  • Medical Massage

    Incorporates the various massage modalities for muscle health and will assist in the recovery of medical conditions diagnosed by a physician. Will include follow-up recommendations.

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